Every application you use, from MS Word to youtube.com and Temple Run on your iTouch has been programmed in a programming language. Just as we communicate with spoken word in English, computers communicate with code. In our class, we will take an introductory look at programming by using a tool called Scratch, which was developed at MIT. Scratch is a lot of fun and relatively easy to use. It is installed on your class computer.
For those of you who want more, or are simply curious, I encourage you to check out CodeAcademy. CodeAcademy uses a hands-on approach to teaching code that many find much easier and enjoyable than traditional methods.
In addition to Scratch, your computer lab at school is loaded with Python. This is a good programming language for beginners and you can also download and install it for free at home.
Scratch Tutorial Videos
CodeAcademy (you can learn many languages here, including Python)
HTML.net - Learn to code your own website
App development - for those of you wanting more...
Start Developing iOS Apps
About Creating Your First iOS App
Click on the Videos tab to see what Thomas Suarez is developing.