Online Safety

Social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)...texting...blogging... Remember - what you post and text represents you in a public forum, even though you may be sitting at home, just you and your iTouch or phone. Take a look at these tips -

  • Think beyond today. Schools, colleges and employers are checking online activity,  and they can go back in time to review what you've been doing over the years. In fact, your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts are usually the first places they check to find out about you. Every year students lose scholarship opportunities and job opportunities because of the things they post online. Adults have even lost their jobs this way. Think before you post or tweet and represent yourself well.
  • Always set your account to private! A public account is the equivalent of allowing any and all strangers into your home and private life to listen in on conversations and photos you are sharing with your real friends and family.
  • Only allow followers who you know in real life. "Knowing" someone online does not count. Anyone can pretend to be anybody online. There is no one checking for you to make sure they are who they say they are. The only sure way to protect yourself is to communicate only with "real-life" verified friends.
  • Represent yourself well and respect others. If you are not sure whether a photo or post would be appropriate, imagine it in real life - that picture you're about to post is viewable to all of your followers, think about it. If it would not be appropriate in real life, don't do it online. 
Also check out a new MPCS resource, for more online safety information.