Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer Fun!

School is out for the summer! Here are some fun ideas:
  • Video your summer vacation and create a movie in Moviemaker or iMovie. Click here to download Moviemaker for Windows. iMovie is available on your Mac or as an app for the iTouch, iPad or iPhone.
  • Set up a blog on to journal your summer fun. Don't forget that you can add photos and videos if you have them.
  • Create a Google Earth Tour of your family vacation. Download Google Earth and check out this page to learn how.
  • Try out some photography apps on your iTouch, iPad or iPhone. Go to the App Store and search for photography. There are some free fun ones out there!
  • And on your typing skills at Not exactly fun, but having good typing skills will allow you to spend a lot less time typing the many papers you will need to write in your academic future! Set some time aside each day to work on this skill this summer.
Have a great time this summer and I'll see everyone in August. Feel free to stop by the Weber Media Center and show me any summer projects when school starts!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Google Earth Easter Eggs

When someone refers to an "Easter egg" in a software program, they are talking about an intentional hidden message, inside joke, or feature in a work, such as a picture, inserted into the software. Here are a few Google Earth Easter Eggs to have fun with:

Giant Bunny 
1.Open Google Earth Search Bar. 
2.Copy 44°14'39.35"N 7°46'11.53"E. 
3.Paste coordinates in Search Bar. 
5.See The Epic Bunny!

Firefox Logo
This is another egg I found in Google Earth: 
1. First, open Google Earth 
2. Copy and paste this in the "Fly to" box: 45° 7'25.87"N 123° 6'48.97"W 
3. Zoom in until you see a Firefox logo. 
4. Enjoy!

Google Headquarters Swimming Pool
1. Open Google Earth and in the search bar type the coordinates: 37 25'20.42" N 122 05'06.07" W 
2. It will take you to the google headquarters in california 
3. Zooming in will enable you to see a hidden image in their swimming pool

Friday, May 17, 2013

Last week of school

It has been a great quarter and summer is within reach. With only a few days left next week, we will wrap up any unfinished projects and review basic skills.

Seventh graders are finishing up their Scratch projects. You can view some of them online on my Scratch student gallery by clicking here. Sixth graders are finishing up their technology research projects. After a brainstorm, each student chose a topic to research and then created a website about their technology. I always learn a lot from this project!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Typing, Glogs and Hardware

All students are now set up with an account on and are practicing every morning. Remember to use correct finger placement. I encourage everyone to continue working on typing at home and over the summer. 

7th Grade - This week we will take apart computers and see what is inside, and possibly start on Scratch.

6th Grade - This week we will create online posters for your business project using, and may also begin some technology research.