Friday, December 14, 2012

Thanks to several of my students, past and present, for introducing me to some of these purely free, fun things you can do with Google. Try these out! 
  1. Go to and type in your name to make a personalized search engine
  2. Go to, type in no gravity, and click "I'm Feeling Lucky"
  3. Play Pacman for free -

Friday, December 7, 2012

AirPiano Scratch

Good morning Scratchers! Take a look at this Air Piano made with Scratch and XboX Kinect.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Good morning Scratchers! Today 7th grade will start using Scratch, a programming tool created by MIT. You can take a look at the projects on the Getting Started Guide here.  You can also take a look at past MPCS student projects at