Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Technology Research

This week we are moving on to our technology research. Each of you has already chosen a technology-related topic. Now you will research it, create a website about it, and then present to the class. I am very excited to see the results of your hardwork! Click here for Project Requirements.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Finalize your website!

You should have a minimum of 3-4 pages, along with relevant content on all pages by now. If you do not, please finish adding content and pages. You should have some media on your site - photos, slideshows, and/or embedded video. You should also have written at least one post, which will appear on your home page unless you choose to change the page where your posts appear.

There should be no example posts or pages left on your site! Please have a friend look through your site to make sure it is ready to be graded. Ask him or her to look for typos and spelling errors, and also click on all of the links and menu items to make sure they work!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

NASA website

Have you ever wondered who first thought of going into space or who figured out how to get us there? The main home page for NASA is Maybe you can find some answers there, along with current news about the landing of Curiosity on Mars.

You can also access a section made just for 5-8 graders with a lot of cool info and games. You can test your "programming" skill on a game called Rover. To play, you designate all of the moves the Rover will have to make to reach a certain square on a board and then hit Execute. The Rover then moves according to your instructions and you find out if they work. Level 1 is easy, but I already failed on Level 2 the first time I tried. You have to maneuver around rocks, etc., on the board. Maybe you can do better - you'll have to think ahead!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wordpress websites

This week we are starting on our websites. Most of you have registered or are working on registering. Remember to choose a theme and decide what your website will be about. Questions? Feel free to ask and also check out the support page -